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How soon after an application should you follow up with the recruiter?

Candidates often get conscious about when to follow up with the recruiter about the job application. If you have anxiousness, it’s definitely good because it shows how interested you are but at the same time, it’s important to give the recruiter time to scrutinize your application.

The profile you apply for is of utmost importance to you and at the same, the application the recruiter receives is of utmost importance to him. However, it may happen so that amidst the hundreds of applications the recruiter receives on a daily basis, there is a 10% chance that yours is not yet viewed, skipped, or rejected. Such a situation calls for a follow-up, but when is the right time to do so?

If you have applied on a weekday, you can follow up after a day or two. If you have sent the application on the weekend, get back on a weekday, say Monday or Tuesday. Give the recruiter at least a day or more to glance through.

It’s important not to nag people and at the same time show a little patience, it definitely counts!

Author: Rithika D’Souza

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